
Archive for October, 2008

Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village

When I was leveling my warrior, I had completed a few quests and decided to play a different toon. I had completed the quest ‘Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village’ prior to one of the updates when they changed the NPCs in Jintha’alor to non-elites, and, reduced the kill count required to complete the […]

Ridge Huntress in the Badlands glitched

I was doing an herb run in Badlands on HerbSkinner and ran across a Ridge Huntress in a very strange position.

Going Down?

So you want this big mama achievement ? Here you go: Go to Shatt Go to Scryer Tier When the elevator is at the top jump off over the left side. Land at the end of the slope to the left of the bridge Achievement Earned Look at your hp Wonder how you lived As […]

Death Wish Striving to be the best

Death Wish is a hardcore guild who strives to be among the best in the world. Through intelligent direction, skillful execution, and unwavering dedication, we expect to conquer the latest and most challenging end-game content and soar above the competition. From The Death Wish Forums Well they have got most of that… While trying to […]

Ksirlaminim QQs after running Bottom Scanner

Leveling Inscription required a ton of herbs. It was only through laziness and a little farming that I was able to level Inscription quickly. When we leveled HerbSkinner and Qwaitxseven, we dumped all of the herbs over to IBJammin and put them in the bank. Over the summer, I let my membership lapse and in […]

30’s in Warsong Gulch’s 20-29 bracket

While its no real secret to getting a 30 in a 20-29 bracket game, the coordination to have joined the queue, purchased mounts and have a game pop slow enough would be considerable. I missed getting a screenshot of the Elephant mounts as they dropped down from graveyard. Even though they were 30s, they really […]

Dalaran Crater

Wrath of the Lich King is on its way where Dalaran is lifted from the ground. The crater left behind is quite impressive. On Patch Tuesday, one of the first things I did was venture around. You can actually safely descend into the crater and get out.

Brokeback Mountain meets World of Warcraft

While doing the Exploration Achievements, I ran across this NPC.

It’s Happy Hour Somewhere

Go to a Major City, look for the Bartender in the Inn: * Refreshing Spring Water * Melon Juice * Moonberry Juice * Sweet Nectar * Ice Cold Milk * Morning Glory Dew * Skin of Dwarven Stout * Jug of Bourbon * Flask of Port * Flagon of Mead * Bottle of Pinot Noir […]

‘I Am Legend’ comes to Cho’gall

Patch Tuesday, the biggest MMORPG patch in history came on Oct 14th. While it was not without its glitches, world crashes, server rollbacks, etc, it did provide quite a bit of humor and frustration as people tried out Inscription, herb prices went absolutely crazy and the servers lagged quite a bit over the last two […]

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