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Warlocks topping the healing charts in Battlegrounds
Written by cd34.
It isn’t surprising to see some healing on non-healing classes in the battleground scoreboards. Life Drain shows up for warlocks, Mend Pet shows up as healing for hunters. However, many hunters hit Mend Pet only when their pet is about to die because healing their pet takes away from their DPS. Sure, PUG battlegrounds should have healers once in a while, but, I’ve seen ret pallies that refuse to heal anyone around them, even themselves because they are there to DPS. Shadow Priests rarely pop out of shadowform even when it could save them.
Once in a while you’ll see some rogue that is relatively low leveled for the bracket and they’ll ask for a healbot — because by some miracle with a healer, they’ll be able to take out someone. If you call out for a healbot, and by some rare chance you get one, protect that healer — don’t charge into battle DPSing everything and allow the healer to get killed and then complain that you didn’t get any heals.
In any case, the screenshots of Qwickthree’s healing are a pretty sad testament to the healers in battlegrounds. They are virtually non-existent, but, very much appreciated when they are around.
Overall, it is just a statement that healers are pretty rare in battlegrounds – even on the twink battlegrounds.
Qwickthree – level 30 to 40 on Spirestone
Written by cd34.
Battlegrounds and Questing at the same time uses up a lot of soul shards as I use the voidwalker while question, and the felhound while running battlegrounds. If the battleground queues are rather quick, I’ll leave the felhound out while questing and kill two or three mobs.
From 30 to 40 was very fast. Battlegrounds provide about 2000-4000 experience per game and done while questing, you level up incredibly fast. One thing to remember is setting your pet on defensive when you are about to leave the battleground so that you don’t chain pull a few mobs once you’ve zoned into where you accepted the battleground queue.
Bendovr from Dragonmaw exploiting the Stable Roof
Written by cd34.
Relicc from Eldre’Thalas exploiting Stable
Written by cd34.
Relicc, a gnome mage from Eldre’Thalas got on top of the roof at stables to try and kill people. Luckily, a few drain manas and a well timed dot while he tried to evocate and he died pretty quickly.
It appears that they can be mounted and hit the little shed on the graveyard side of the stable and walk up the edge with a well timed jump. From there, they get on top.
Qwick – Level 11 to 20
Written by cd34.
Qwick is an Undead Priest on Stonespire.
Qwickthree – Level 9 to 29
Written by cd34.
Qwickthree is an Orc Warlock on Stonespire.
Qwicktwo’s run to 26 on Stonespire
Written by cd34.
Qwicktwo is an Orc Shaman created on Stonespire.
Darthviolent exploits the Stable Roof
Written by cd34.
Interesting Battleground Glitch with Warlock and Pet
Written by cd34.
While questing in STV, I decided to try a few battlegrounds, so, I hit H, queued up for Warsong and Arathi and was about to turn in a quest when Arathi popped. I was mounted, accepted the port to the battleground, played Arathi, and when I left the battleground, I returned to STV mounted, but, with my imp still summoned. His actions were greyed out, so, I couldn’t actually command him to do anything, but, he followed me around STV.