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Explore Zul’Drak
Written by cd34.

There is a quest in northwest Zul’Drak that sends you around on a mount while the NPC talks about how all of Zul’Drak will soon be his. As you do a few of the quests in Ebon Hold, you are eventually sent to Zim’Torga which is about the only zone not uncovered during the flight.


That Takes Class
Written by cd34.

While cdthirtyfive and meathandler were trying to kill Shade in Hour of the Worg, the PvP battle continued with cdthirtyfive earning ‘That Takes Class.’


The joys of leveling up on a PvP server.

Got My Mind on My Money
Written by cd34.

While questing, cdthirtyfive looted a mob and evidently hit the 1000 gold mark from looting mobs.


Know thy Enemy
Written by cd34.

While cdthirtyfive was doing Hour of the Worg, a gnome rogue ganked me right after a druid and I had killed Selas. After a quick corpse walk, he killed Meathandler, the 79 druid I was questing with. Turns out, he and an 80 lock were escorting a 75 warrior through the quest. We ignored him and went on to kill Varlam which is where they had come down from, and, the gnome kills me, then the druid again. At this point, during the corpse walk back, I’m out for revenge. They’re fighting Goremaw, I dot each of them up and kill the warrior and the druid got the lock, but, again, the rogue with less than 100hp is able to kill the druid and I forcing yet another corpse walk.

Since we know where they are headed, its a race back to see if we can disrupt them as they try to take out Shade of Arugal. They clear the mobs around the boss, my rez timer was almost up, they attack the boss, I run in, fear bomb, dot each of them, watch the lock and warrior die, the rogue sprinted down and killed me again. This went on for at least 3-4 more attempts of theirs on Shade. Around this time, a mage and priest join our party and its an all out war with both sides preventing the other from completing the quest.

In the end, my quest reward was [item]39170[/item] which was vendored as I was wearing green shoulders I had received while questing in Zul’drak which had better stats. But, after turning in a few quests, it was off to Storm Peaks to begin the 77-80 grind.


Make Love Not Warcraft
Written by cd34.

Both Herbskinner and cdthirtyfive earned this achievement within a day of each other and both by accident.

Herbskinner and Qwaitxnine were in Borean Tundra responding to a Rogue/Pally that were ganking in the Coldrock Quarry. Dkhealer didn’t appear to be questing at the time and appeared to mostly be a pocket healer for Istabu. After a few deaths, they called in an 80 gnome rogue named Wulf. That went on for a while until it was time for Wintergrasp and we left.

Cdthirtyfive just happened to be questing and saw a battle at Granite Springs in Grizzly Hills and hugged Danknug.

Valhalas Vargul
Written by cd34.

While cdthirtyfive was questing on his run to 80, I ran across a mob trapped in a staircase. If you got close enough, it would attack and do damage, but, no matter what angle you tried to attack with spells, it would say it was not in the line of sight. If you tried to melee, the mob would evade. Luckily its aggro range was quite small and you could walk on the other side of the steps and fall out of combat rather quickly.


Gnome Hazard Light glitch during the Infragreen quest chain
Written by cd34.

While cdthirtyfive was questing in Icecrown, there is a quest chain that sends you to a landing platform with a few quests involving flying a bomber. One of the hazard lights is exposing the internal game name rather than the actual name.


Into the Wild Green Yonder Glitch
Written by cd34.

While doing the quests for the Argent Crusade, I hit the speed boost on the drake and noticed that the wings of the drake were not lined up with the drake. Purely a visual glitch, it did look odd. I know qwaitxseven did the quest after 3.0.8, and he’s also undead and it didn’t do it for him, so, it must be a mac versus pc bug for undeads.


Kiyru in K3
Written by cd34.

Ran across an 80 Paladin with Rez Sickness. I cannot imagine why. There weren’t any reports of ganking. You get a flying mount to be able to get back to your body when you die in Storm Peaks and it flies incredibly fast for Horde — I can only imagine how quickly it flies for Night Elves.

Perhaps there is a reason, but, I find it rather disappointing when anyone takes a rez hit. Granted, in Colderra there are places you can die where you cannot get back to your body, but, in Storm Peaks, it just seems odd.kiyru

Herbskinner’s Talent Build
Written by cd34.

Herbskinner has always been a Beast Mastery Hunter since day one. Beastial Wrath was nice in PVP against warlocks and priests, but, I noticed a real hit with my DPS when 3.0.8 hit. Upon reading the forums, it was plainly obvious (and admitted by Blizzard) that BM hunters were nerfed considerably. I knew about the upcoming nerf, but, didn’t really expect the hit to be as dramatic.

I’ll miss my old Beast Mastery build.

I paid my 1G to respec and came up with this Survival/Hybrid 12/8/51 build

What ended up happening is a rather dramatic increase in attack power, damage, at the cost of some attack speed. Granted my gear is quest greens/blues, in some quick testing against the test dummies, I can see some real promise.

Its possible I’ll respec a few times to come up with a build that gives me good solo viability, but, I figured I would try this one for a few days.

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