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Damage Control
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive got back into the battlegrounds and is running with a scrub mix of gear, but, I’m able to heal quite a bit before I get killed. In this one Arathi Basin it was a complete mess. Horde left a number of flags undefended which required recapping them, but, all in all with a few turnovers it was a pretty good game.

Second That Emotion
Written by cd34.

During the 3 day grind from 71-80, I looted the 4 emotion food recipes (along with two alchemy recipes that will come in handy). While finishing up some of the cooking achievements, I ended up with enough to make each of the 4 foods less one Essence of Undeath. A quick trip to the Auction House found one rather cheaply, so, I made each of the foods, ate one, earned the achievement. The rest of the food went into the guild back for 4 other guildmates to earn the achievement if they haven’t already.


The Northrend Gourmet
Written by cd34.

While cleaning out my bank on my quick grind from 71-80, I decided to cook each of the foods in the achievement which easily surpassed the 15 needed to get ‘The Northrend Gourmet.’

The next achievement will be a little more difficult as I didn’t do the cooking dailies every day, which means I don’t have enough cooking tokens to buy the recipes. I will be doing the cooking dailies from now on though.


Alliance Exploits Wintergrasp… again
Written by cd34.

On Cho’Gall, when Alliance is attacking, at times they will have 16 vehicles almost immediately after the battle starts and somehow ride up the towers which sends the vehicle through. At that point they can go through the walls with the small door in it meant for people on mounts, and then batter down the gate to the orb.

I’ve witnessed this at least 5 times in the last few days both on my hunter and priest, and it happens more frequently after a reset — presumably so they can run 10 and 25 man VoA.

With tenacity and glitches, Wintergrasp becomes a 5 minute battle when we’re defending. Even sending everyone to the side that they are attacking from, out of the 16 vehicles, it only takes about 5 to get through and they are set.


Sous Chef
Written by cd34.

To earn this achievement, you have to learn 100 cooking recipes. With the trainer recipes and the ones I used to level cooking, I had 94, so, I went to Thunder Bluff to get 3 more, traveled to Felwood to pick up 2 which left me short 1. I remembered a vendor in Booty Bay had a few that were unique that I didn’t think I had, and I was right. Five more recipes there.

For the next achievement I will need to find all of the vendor recipes that I can find to get the 160. I know I missed the one in Sen’jin Village, a few in Eversong Woods, but, I’ll have to look through to see what I am missing and find those.


Leaning Tower
Written by cd34.

While healing a raid group during Wintergrasp, we destroyed a tower to earn this achievement.


Take a Chill Pill
Written by cd34.

While healing in an EotS, one of our mages that I had healed during a battle with a death knight killed him after he had run across the berzerker powerup.


The Outland Gourmet
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive only had to cook about 4 items to get this achievement as I had cooked a bunch of food right after WotLK for leveling. Even though Golden Fish Sticks were only +23 spellpower, while leveling a spellcaster, it did help. I had to cook some of the rarer fish caught near Karazan, Icefin Bluefish and Stewed Trout to finish up the achievement.


Dinner Impossible
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive had 450 cooking within a few days of WotLK’s release and was only level 71 at the time. I had prepared the feasts, but, after playing a few of the battlegrounds at 71, it was immediately evident that WotLK added 8k-10k hit points to people that were 4-5 levels higher. I always figured I would go back to finish this and after hitting 80 I decided to run a few battlegrounds to see if things had changed.


Warsong Gulch Victory – Warsong Gulch Perfection
Written by cd34.

After the quick run to 80, and a hodge-podge set of gear, healing is a bit of a challenge during the battlegrounds, but, I am able to stay alive reasonably well. During one WSG, we were able to return the flag 3 times before the Alliance. On our battlegroup Rampage, usually one side or the other gets a 3-0 victory. There are very few close games.


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