
Archive for December, 2008

Blizzard strikes back against the mammoths

On Cho’gall, there are a number of people with enough time to get the free mammoth that love to sit and obstruct the mailboxes. Granted you can zoom in and still use the mailbox, it is a bit of an inconvenience at times. One night Lunchie, Aeiou and Shrizer were sitting on the mailbox and […]


Qwaitxten, a new twink shammy and Herbskinner were running through Gnomeregen for drops.

Did Somebody Order a Knuckle Sandwich

While farming SM Library for qwaitxten, a new twink shammy, I equipped my fist weapons on the first pull to get the scarlet key. When pulling a level 20 through SM Lib, having an axe with a 3.10 swing time just isn’t going to pull a mob off quickly. However, my dagger/axe set is a […]

10000 Honorable Kills

10000 kills while I was healing. Our flag dropped down from the enemy gy and while I was healing, the achievement popped up. Unlike the 10000th kill on IbJammin, I didn’t get the name of the player that was credited as my 10000th kill. There were a few notable players in that wsg, but, they […]

Shoveltusk in a cliff

While running through Howling Fjord, I noticed this shoveltusk that was stuck in the cliff. It didn’t evade, but, didn’t move when damaged, so, I figured it would not have been lootable.

Friend or Fowl

Qwaitx and I were doing a Jewelcrafting daily when we came across some turkeys and decided to try for the achievement. It wasn’t difficult, but, there’s a small surprise after you kill the 15th turkey.

Cooking from 375 to 450

After farming a ton of meat, fish and [item]43007[/item], I figured I would just do the grind to get to 450. There’s no real reason to go beyond 425, but, having 450 cooking sure feels good. As soon as you can, start doing the Daily Cooking Quest in Dalaran because you will need a ton […]

25 Dalaran Cooking Awards

Both Herbskinner and Cdthirtyfive did the cooking dailies shortly after Wrath of the Lich King was released and both received the achievement.

Herbskinner hits level 80

Herbskinner hit 80 today. When I checked the mailbox, I had a letter from Rhonin with [item]41426[/item].

Explore Crystalsong Forest

While doing the quest that takes you to Icecrown, while on the quest ‘taxi’, I ran across ‘The Decrepit Flow’ which was the last zone in Crystalsong Forest that Herbskinner needed to discover.

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