
Archive for April, 2008

Its rare to see so many Horde healing in a battleground

Sometimes I think AV boils down to a battle of who has more healing. On a reinforcement battle, that is definitely the case. For a boss battle, it usually depends on who knocks off the boss’s reinforcements first. Horde in Rampage has a terrible tendency to not defend capped towers until they are destroyed, so, […]

562k healing, 525 honor, 42 minutes

I’m a Holy Priest that became a Battle Healer. I’ve not done arena, but, I earned my welfare epics through honor and marks. I enjoy AV as it keeps me on my Undead toes. I use Grid and swear by it. I’ve talked with people that use x-perl, but, Grid was more compact, had the […]

Horde and AB

Normally Horde on Rampage is quite disorganized. Everyone wants to be on that leading edge, and noone wants to defend. Sometimes we’ll get a few that defend and stick on a node and we’ll end up pulling a win. This game, we started, everyone rushed BS and LM leaving Farm undefended — which we lost […]

A whole lot of healing going on

Alterac Valley is a battle of damage with a precise goal in mind. Alliance are trying to stop Horde from taking Vanndar Stormpike and Horde is trying to stop Alliance from Drek’thar. Most of the time, healers are near the frontlines and can rack up some big numbers. In this game we had a number […]

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