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100 Honorable Kills
Written by cd34.

Gotmooh was a 29 Tauren Shaman I created on Alterac Mountains to learn the playstyle of a Shaman before twinking Bhodi. While I didn’t play a lot of battlegrounds, and didn’t have the gear that many of the other people had, I did learn quite a bit about playing a shaman while being severely undergeared.

Gotmooh earned 100 kills after a few games and I was hooked playing a Shaman.


Destruction Derby
Written by cd34.

Qwaitxnine and Herbskinner were in Wintergrasp when we received another achievement.


Know Thy Enemy
Written by cd34.

One day Herbskinner was in Wintergrasp and evidently killed the last player needed to get the achievement, Know Thy Enemy.


Jboogiee and Brodas ganking in ‘The Charred Vale’
Written by cd34.

When I created Bhodi, I realized that in order to get the gear I needed, I wouldn’t have a lot of playtime to learn how to effectively play a Shaman. Knowing which totems to use when, what keybindings would be helpful, etc was something I needed to know before I had all of the gear and enchants, so, I created a Shaman on another realm. Truth be told, I created Gotmooh on Alterac Valley before deciding to make a Shaman twink, but, never leveled him past level 8. After Bhodi hit level 23 or so, I decided to level Gotmooh to 29, try and get a little gear for him including Bleeding Crescent, Clink Shield and some other gear.

While I was out doing a little mining, Jboogiee, a 69 paladan struggled to kill me. His first strike was a miss, I stayed in ghost wolf form and got reasonably far away from him before he could mount up and kill me. I rezzed, continued mining and watched him kill a 23 warlock before coming back after me. After I got ganked the third time, I changed direction and went mining again at which point Brodas saw me, dismounted, attacked my Stoneclaw totem and got stunned, ran through my binding totem before turning around and then bam, Jboogiee decided to kill me again.

After that one, they decided to camp me and I took a few screenshots.

Bravo Jboogiee and Brodas for being able to kill someone 20 levels below you and having to pair up to do it.

That Takes Class
Written by cd34.

Today while on the offensive in Wintergrasp, Herbskinner achieved ‘That Takes Class’. I wasn’t actually out to get this achievement and I don’t even remember what classes I was missing, but, in the battle at the West Vehicle Workshop, the achievement popped up.

Written by cd34.

Qwaitxnine and Herbskinner cleared Scholomance to farm for some enchanting mats for a twink.  We did this after clearing Stratholme, realizing we were in the wrong instance.


Consolidated Guide to Mining 1-450 with minimal experience gains
Written by cd34.

As we run a number of twinks, and WotLK released gathering profession buffs, some of our twinks are close to the dreaded ding into the next bracket. One of my twinks is so close that 7 discoveries would level me into the next bracket. As I had 225 mining early on as a consequence of leveling engineering with no ‘main’ account that could mine, I was able to grab the 300 training from the trainer in Orgrimmar before WoW was patched to disallow this. After an uprising, Blizzard removed the limits and allowed characters of any level to max out their gathering skills.

As with any smelting/mining guide, there are holes where you are required to mine to get past a number of grey levels.

From 1 to 450 with minimal experience gains:

1-65 Smelt Copper 130 ore
65-75 Smelt Tin 25 ore
75-115 Smelt Bronze 225 Copper Bars, 225 Tin Bars
115-125 Smelt Silver 15 ore
125-155 Smelt Iron 60 ore
155-175 Smelt Gold 30 ore
175-230 Smelt Mithril 200 ore
230-250 Smelt Truesilver 50 ore
250-290 Smelt Thorium 210 ore

This is where you have to mine from 290-300. Go to Northrend and buy your training there. DO NOT GO TO OUTLANDS. There are two places that you can mine Rich Thorium which turns grey at 365!! You will need two lock summons in either case if you want to speed up the process.

290-300 Mine Rich Thorium Veins
300-315 Smelt Fel Iron 90 ore
315-325 Mine Rich Thorium Veins
325-340 Smelt Adamantite 80 ore
340-345 Mine Rich Thorium Veins
345-350 Mine Cobalt Equip gloves with +5 mining
350-375 Smelt Cobalt 80 ore

There are two paths you can take here. If you cannot afford more than one discovery, mine Cobalt nodes next to your trainer. Cobalt turns grey at 450, but, it’ll take a while.

375-450 Mine Cobalt
375-395 Mine Cobalt
395-450 Mine Saronite

If you have Stonetalon Mountains/The Charred Vale discovered, there is Mithril and Truesilver that spawns within and you can easily get your mining above 270 just running around the outer edge and the few nodes that are within. As a 19, you probably never quested here, but, most 29s will already have discovered this area. You can save a lot of smelting from 220-275. There is also Iron, Copper and Tin within this area which you can sell on the Auction House to offset your smelting materials, or, to make engineering gadgets.

There are two areas that have Rich Thorium Veins that are covered under one discovery area. Since you are not required to go to the Outlands for any mining, you save discovering the trainer location, a Fel Iron mining location and an Adamantite mining location. Three discoveries could be the difference between having 375 mining and 450 mining on some twinks.

The first area that has five Rich Thorium Veins that spawn on a 15 minute timer is Fire Plume Ridge in Ungoro Crater.

There are also a number of other Rich Thorium Veins in Hive’Regal in Silithus on a similar timer, with a lot more mobs that would need to be cleared. There are more ore spawns and at any one time, three appear to be available every 20 minutes.

If you were to pick one location, I think Fire Plume Ridge is a little easier to get to, you can camp your main nearby, clear the mobs, do a quick search, log in with your twink and mine the Rich Thorium.

As a result, you should be able to avoid 3 discovery areas in the Outlands, bringing the total areas required for 450 mining to two areas. One in Un’goro Crater, one near your trainer in Northrend. If you have the room to discover one other area in Northrend, Sholazar Basin has a number of Saronite nodes. If you want to be extremely safe, pick the right-hand five nodes and do not cross the road. On the other side of the road is an encampment which is a discovery zone. The five nodes spawn relatively quickly and are camped quite heavily, but, there are no aggressive mobs near them. The easternmost spawn does have a mob that patrols nearby, but, if you wait until they are at the far end, you can get one tap on the mine and loot and run back until the mob is at the other end of its patrol again.

* provided the Saronite Map in the following post thanks to Santreal.
* provided some of the information required to develop the smelting table. Numbers used above were tested on a few twinks.
* has a relatively good guide for Mining 1-450 without as much concern for discovery areas.

Any newly created twink shouldn’t have discovery problems, but, any old-school twink that is close to dinging may be able to get 450 mining if they can afford a discovery or two and have already quested in some of the areas.

Bleeko, a level 30 Druid in Arathi Basin in the 20-29 bracket
Written by cd34.

While its not impossible for a 30 to be in a battleground, this druid had the time to get travelform, but, I don’t believe he was a twink as he only had 1300 hit points and died rather quickly.

Still, the coordination required and the fact he did have his mount, training, and had hit his druid trainer means that he did a bit of planning prior to.

Sorry for your death Bleeko.


Written by cd34.

Qwaitxnine and Herbskinner were farming enchanting mats one evening and decided to clear the rest of Stratholme after discovering we were in the wrong instance.


To Hellfire and Back
Written by cd34.

While running Qwaitxnine, Qwait’s new deathknight through a few quests to level him up, I found a few quests in Hellfire Peninsula that I hadn’t completed. While he was doing his quests, Herbskinner finished a few and received the achievement.


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