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The Grim Reaper
Written by cd34.

During a WSG battle, cdthirtyfive got 30 honorable kills and received the achievement. The Alliance got the flag a few times, but, combined with some quick reactions on our side, we were able to keep the flag from getting too far from the flag room.


Alterac Valley Victory
Written by cd34.

AV at 80 is fairly fast-paced. One side or the other starts with a population advantage, the other side doesn’t get enough players in time to really hold much of a defense and it’s a bloodbath for the side with fewer players.

This game started as 23v7 in Horde’s favor (which on Rampage is very unusual) and they had a bunch of late players come in. They did capture Snowfall Graveyard and we captured their Aid Station, allowing them to rez and wait at Snowfall until we took down Vann.

Not really a great way to earn a win.


50 Daily Quests Complete
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive finished up another cooking quest and received the achievement for ’50 Daily Quests Complete’


Wintergrasp Victory – Within Our Grasp
Written by cd34.

After the first two losses in Wintergrasp, cdthirtyfive actually wins a Wintergrasp, and, does it in under 10 minutes resulting in two achievements.


Destruction Derby
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive and qwaitxseven have run a few Wintergrasps together and, during one of the first ones we helped destroy 3 siege vehicles. While Wintergrasp gets rather laggy at times, it is still fun when people are goal oriented and don’t have a scoreboard that they are trying to top.


Emblem of Heroism
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive, 3 hours after hitting 80 loots his first Emblem of Heroism.

This was during 10-man VOA with qwaitxseven and a number of members from . Thanks for the invite guys.


Archavon the Stone Watcher
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive hit 80, had 1502 spellpower in quest gear and healed 10-man VOA. There were two deaths at the end and nothing dropped for me, but, it was good to run a reasonably quick instance and know that I still had the healing touch.

Most of the players were members of , a guild that qwaitxseven joined to be able to run Naxx.


Level 80
Written by cd34.

After a rather quick grind from 71 to 80, cdthirtyfive hit level 80. It took roughly 4 hours per level from 71 to 75 and about 6 hours per level from 76 to 79. 79 and 80 ended up taking about 8 hours each, probably due to the fact that I don’t have an epic flyer. Almost all of it was soloed with the exception of the occasional group quest. Its amazing how many group quests you can do when you say that you’re Shadow, but, have no problem healing.

Cho’gall seems to have a lack of tanks and healers as almost everyone just wants to DPS. All of the new Death Knights are upset that it is difficult to get into a raiding guild, almost every guild spams trade with requests for Healers and Tanks.

However, I’m a battle healer, though I may run some instances from time to time to get some gear, my main interest is running the battlegrounds. Its been a while since I’ve played battlegrounds on my priest, and after I get to work putting together a few pieces of gear, I’m sure I’ll fall right back into it.

WotLK is much different than BC was as you almost are able to get crafted gear that is only replaced with 25-man Naxx runs. Short of a few items, as soon as you hit 80, you can get crafted gear that exceeds quite a bit of the 5-man and 10-man drops.

It should be fun. Looking forward to getting back on the battlefields.


I’ve spent a bit of time playing around with the talent calculators, and, I think I am going to try this spec as a PvP Battlehealer/occasional PvE healer. That build should give me plenty of flexibility without sacrificing too much. Since I doubt I’ll run much more than a few 5 man instances here or there, some of the holy tree that would be very helpful in 10 man or 25 man was skipped. With the build, there are some tradeoffs.

Improved Divine Spirit is a must for me. Increasing spellpower by 100% of my spirit is just too huge to overlook considering quite a bit of gear now has spirit. Meditation is a must as well — I have healed some AVs at 70 where it was all I could do to drink to 50%, heal some people and try to stay out of the FSR to gain mana. Even with that talent, I found it difficult to heal for extremely heavy battles. Desperate Prayer and Spirit of Redemption are also must-have talents for me. I have died during battlegrounds and we’ve kept the flag during AB or the tower during EOTS a few times.

Serendipity is important because you sometimes overheal someone that is receiving a heal from somewhere else. A Shaman’s chain heal, another priest’s heal or a druid healing can result in a heal easily overhealing someone. Getting 17% of that mana back is worth it. I couldn’t spare another point to get 25%, but, 17% is better than 0% and overheals in battlegrounds happen frequently.

Test of Faith is a talent I haven’t played with, so, that one was an experiment. Coupled with Inspiration, it should give for some interesting changes in the Battlegrounds.

A long time ago, someone once told me that a Holy Battlehealer would never work and said that a Discipline tree was the only way to go. I tried playing somewhat deep into the Discipline tree and ended up with a Holy/Disc build that worked quite well.

Here’s to 80.

Explore Icecrown
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive did as many quests in Icecrown as possible, but, it only ended up getting me through half of 79. While finishing up a few soloable quests, I ended up flying over an area and discovered the rest of Icecrown.


At Shadow Vault, a new quest line opened up, but, I knew I needed to work on the Sons of Hodir Rep so I headed back to Storm Peaks to finish up those questlines and hit 80.

Northern Exposure
Written by cd34.

While questing in Icecrown, I landed in an area that had 4 mobs that tossed poison vials which quickly overwhelmed me. Since I had no real escape, I ended up levitating off the edge, casting renew on myself and landing in front of a mob. I lived.

Emobee saw what happened and got a chuckle out of it. While he was running around, he found Putridus the Ancient, invited me to a party and we took him down.

11618 exp for a single mob — that would have made leveling much faster.


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