
Archive for the 'Battlegrounds' Category

Flag Defense glitch

In one AB, we lost Blacksmith, and according to Capping I had 11 seconds when I started to take the flag. At the end, it said I defended Blacksmith, but, it also said that the Alliance took Blacksmith. Based on the chatlog, I am sure this is more of a latency glitch than a programming […]

We had it all along

Since I run PUGs and sometimes will run with a guildmate when we do battlegrounds, some of the achievements are quite difficult to obtain as they require communication and teamwork. I always figured I would get this achievement accidentally since you can’t tell a PUG to not cap a flag for 5 seconds. This game […]

Wisp holding the flag

During the Hallow’s End event, I was holding the flag and one of my teammates transformed me into a wisp. Of course, while transformed, I couldn’t switch to ghost wolf when our team returned our flag which led to a little stress as someone had grabbed the flag when I was moving back to return […]

Fell through the tunnel in Warsong Gulch

While chasing the EFC (enemy flag carrier) up the tunnel, I dropped a tremor totem as I had a warlock on me and I saw the cast bar for fear start. I was Feared into the wall and fell through, instantly dying even though I still had over 2800hp. I have used the Netomatic, as […]

Flagcarrier returns flag by walking backwards

Once in a while during a PUG, I run across some other twinks. Flagcarrier is an Undead Discipline Priest from Stormreaver that loves to play around. I’ve played a number of Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin games to recognize a few people. While we do still win, once in a while we like to have […]

Another Arathi Basin Perfection

Bhodi gets another Arathi Basin Perfection. We started with an 8 to 7 lead and ended up finishing the game with 15 to 8. There were more alliance, but, I believe they either switched to Warsong Gulch which popped for me just before the end of this game, or, /afk’ed out.

Arathi Basin Perfection

The coveted achievement that so many are after. This achievement requires a few lucky setups if you pug, but if you premade, it would be a little easier with the right group makeup. In our case, before we hit the starting gate we had an 11 to 5 advantage. As a shammy, I have a […]

Totems, totems, totems

While returning a flag in Warsong Gulch, another Shaman was with me dropping totems. The rogue that tried to get to me was quite surprised when both searing totems hit him as he tried to sap me. I threw in an extra flame shock for good measure and he hit sprint and died on our […]

30’s in Warsong Gulch’s 20-29 bracket

While its no real secret to getting a 30 in a 20-29 bracket game, the coordination to have joined the queue, purchased mounts and have a game pop slow enough would be considerable. I missed getting a screenshot of the Elephant mounts as they dropped down from graveyard. Even though they were 30s, they really […]

Shaman Twink

While I spent quite a bit of time building my Shaman Twink and came very close to the dreaded ding to 30, I did find a few mistakes made along the way. There are some rather rare boss drops that would have been nice to have based on things I learned about playing a Shaman […]

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