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Twink Item Drop Rates
Written by cd34.

What does it take to farm [item]7682[/item], [item]34227[/item], [item]6681[/item], the [item]3078[/item], the [item]6688[/item], the [item]9492[/item] and the [item]9449[/item].

* 27 runs for Torturing Poker, have not obtained Deadman’s hand after 8 runs.
* 24 instance resets, 5 runs for Whisperwind Headdress

* 15 instance resets, 3 runs for Whisperwind Headdress
* 22 runs for Deadman’s Hand

* 1 run for Deadman’s Hand, 2 runs for Torturing Poker, 1 run for Naga’s Heartpiercer

* 12 runs for Naga’s Heartpiercer, 13 runs for Deadman’s Hand, 6 runs for Torturing Poker, 1 run for Thornspike

Farming SM as a Beast Mastery Hunter isn’t too bad. To minimize experience gains, we don’t do a full clear. Since we were doing these runs prior to 29, we didn’t have to do the master loot/corpse solution, resulting in most runs giving 300-600 exp. If you are farming items, do it early on. Do all of your discovery for any required quests as early as possible as well. One quest chain gave over 9100 exp in discovery experience.

To farm Scarlet Monastery Library as a non-AOE farmer, the tactic I use is to clear the first hall and let the twink enter the instance at that point. I then clear out the two humans to the left in the Cloister. Kill the guy across the hall, the two in the middle, the roaming pat, the person on the left, the two on the right. There’s a pat in the next hallway which I kill, the two in the middle, then, make that right turn, kill the one at the podium, the two in the center of the hallway and another pat. Kill the two healers before Doan’s room and you’re ready. I put my pet on passive, hit Doan with a shot and run to the beginning of the instance staying close to the walls and away from the other mobs. As you enter the Cloister (with the hound masters), stop in that corner and make sure he hits you once. You want to do this to either clear anyone following — the twink won’t get experience if they are standing right inside the instance, and, to make sure you don’t drag a houndmaster or two down the hall as Doan will run straight through the Cloister to get to you. Pull him down the hallway, drop a trap, put my pet on aggressive and kill Doan. Once Doan dies, there are two pats that spawn right at the entrance. To keep minimal experience, you can command your pet to kill them which will result in 0 exp to the twink, or, dps them slowly enough to allow the twink to exit before they die. Without rest xp, each run results in about 600 exp for the twink. Since you can get into SM at level 20, you have plenty of time to farm Torturing Poker and Deadman’s hand before you get to a point where you need to worry about experience. To make waiting easier, do one full clear to allow the twink to get the Scarlet Key which allows them to camp in the SM Armory door safe from the mobs outside.

I generally do not loot mobs when doing these runs and they take about 5-7 minutes each time.

To farm for the Torturing Poker in SM Graveyard, this one is more a test of patience than anything else. There are 2 mobs in the hallway and you can pull Interrogator Vishas with one mob. Kill him, loot him, and pray. It is one of the more frustrating drops in the game because it takes less than two minutes to get to him and you will run into the instance reset limit very quickly.

The Whisperwind Headdress was an interesting one to farm. The quick way to do it with any class is to have the main go in, and clear the two mobs and the pat, clear to the left and stand right in front of the vine bridge and type /target earth in the chat area. If Earthcaller Halmgar is targeted, you need to go back near the entrance, and clear a path to the rare. Earthcaller Halmgar showed up about once in every four resets for me. Once you have the spawn, clear the first open room completely, your twink will aggro everything there. Clear the hallway, pass the two guards, clear the path, avoid Overlord Ramtusk unless you want the Tusken Helm. Clear the next mobs, get to the bridge, and, if you are a 70, you can have your twink come into that open room. With some Line of Sight manipulation around those pillars, you can pull Earthcaller and only 1 mob, drag them back to the open room and kill. Since the minimum level requirement is 15, some early planning can save a lot of hassle with the master loot/twink corpse run.

If you are after Thornspike, its a matter of clearing that lefthand path after the first hallway and killing Aggem Thorncurse. It has a very high drop rate and I’ve gotten it on every attempt.

If you are Horde, make sure you clear all the way through to Charlga Razorflank and kill him to get the ‘Small Scroll’ which allows you to start ‘An Unholy Alliance’. If you can use a mace, it is one of the few BC enchantable items you can get for the 29 bracket.

To run Gnomeregan, make sure you have the workshop key which drops off the Electrocutioner 6000. Take the twink in the back way which is a short clear to the Crowd Pummeler 9-60. Take the elevator down, clear the few mobs there, follow the path to the left and clear through to Mekgineer Thermaplug.

The Naga Heartpiercer drops in Blackrock Depths. This instance provides a bit of challenge as the twink will aggro quite a few mobs that patrol. Its a quick run to the turtle room, clearing out the Nagas on the path to the room. Clearing out the two Nagas on the beach will allow your twink to come into the room. Lady Sarevess does get separated from her guard, so, its possible to pull just her. Line of sight her around the wall to pull her into the room. She does a chain lightning which will hit your twink, so, be prepared for that.

All in all, farming the Instance Drops can be quite frustrating and requires quite a bit of patience. After the 20th run and 4 one hour delays between farming runs, having your main camped in an area that is someone inconvenient to do anything but wait, it gets frustrating. But, that first battleground you run where Deadman’s Hand procs is well worth it.

On Cho’gall, there are people that don’t have guildmates to run this for them and they charge 10G a run whether the item drops or not. Farming for Deadman’s hand used to run 100G or more on our realm until people started having to pay for runs, whether the item was received or not. Twinking can be quite expensive, but, in the end, it would be great to see the look on your rival’s face when be gets frozen in place after hitting you.

5 Comments so far

  1. cd34
    October 4th, 2008

    | 6:34 pm

    Bhodi, my new shammy, took 9 more runs to get Deadman’s Hand for a total of 17 runs.

    Thank you Qwaitx for your patience on that one.

  2. cd34
    October 6th, 2008

    | 10:26 am

    First run, received Thermaplug’s Left Arm. It took 7 more runs to get the Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator.

    My shammy is very close to not getting all of the equipment due to experience. If you are farming drops, make sure you don’t go past level 26.5 with your rest XP. You want to make sure that you use it all before you hit level 28 so that you have a little room for error on a bad pull with too many mobs, etc. As it stands now, I was about 12000 too far into 26 when the last item dropped.

    Sit outside Inns when you log off, and when you hit the middle of 26, you almost have to commit to finishing it off. Rogues are not too bad, but, my shammy with the various pieces that I felt would make me a powerful utility player are going to run it extremely close.

  3. cd34
    December 12th, 2008

    | 11:09 am

    For qwaitxten, qwait’s new shammy, 56 runs to get Deadman’s Hand. One instance run for Whisperwind headdress, 3 runs for Death Speaker’s Scepter, 3 runs for Corpsemaker. We need to go back to get the Wind Spirit Staff.

  4. cd34
    December 12th, 2008

    | 11:22 am

    4 runs for Torturing Poker

  5. cd34
    December 12th, 2008

    | 9:53 pm

    16 instance resets, 1 instance run for Wind Spirit Staff
    2 runs for Manual Crowd Pummeler
    1 run for Gigaflux Reactivator
    another run to get Thermaplug’s Left Arm and got another Manual Crowd Pummeler

    All instance drop gear obtained.

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