
Netherdrake bug at Netherwing Ledge

Once in a while World of Warcraft will get the animation wrong for another player and sometimes you get some strange results seen by multiple people like the taxi windrider staying on your player as you walk around Thunder Bluff, or once in a while, your riding mount doesn’t show up when you mount, yet, […]

An AV Reinforcement Battle gone bad

The top three healers in this game were myself, Osprey from Gul’dan and Stillwaters from Alleria. The third healer did over twice as much as 4th place. Again, the Alliance seem to have the edge on the total healing in the top five spots, and the Alliance did win this one. As a Holy battlehealer, […]

Beastmaster Hunter + Shadow Priest Overpowered

While questing in Thousand Needles, we had to go to the Roguefeather Den.  On our way, we ran into a gnome hunter that was questionable.  He hunter’s marked HerbSkinner and fired a quick shot and followed up by a multishot.  In the end, he died, and called two of his 70 guildmates to kill us […]

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