
Hellfire Ramparts

Qwaitxnine and Herbskinner decided to two-man a few instances in Hellfire Peninsula one day.

Lifeblood Rank 6

At Herbalism 450, Qwaitxnine receives the ability to heal himself for 2000hp over 5 seconds. He was collecting herbs in Sholazar Basin when he hit 450.

Professional Master

Qwaitxnine, a death knight that recently hit 80 power leveled herbalism rather than leveling up while questing. As a result, getting the achievements was quite quick as the increase mount speed while herbing helped considerably. Qwaitxnine purchased Professional Master allowing his herbalism skill able to be raised to 375.

Explore Felwood

While leveling herbalism on Qwaitxnine, Jadefire Glen was the last stop to discover all of Felwood.

Professional Grand Master

Qwaitxnine rapidly raised his herbalism skill to 350 at which point he purchased Professional Grand Master training, allowing for a maximum skill level of 450.

Professional Artisan

Qwaitxnine, a new death knight, leveled up herbalism after hitting 80 and purchased Artisan training.

The Snows of Northrend

This achievement requires you to do all of the Helmut Nessingwary quests in Northrend/Sholazar Basin including the quest Post-Partum Aggression. Both Herbskinner and Qwaitxnine did this quest chain and received the achievement.

D.E.H.T.A.’s Little P.I.T.A.

Qwaitxnine and Herbskinner finished up a few quests in Borean Tundra for this achievement. While we were a little overgeared for it, it was still a fun achievement to get.

Fo’ Grizzle my Shizzle

While Herbskinner and Qwaitxnine were questing in Grizzly Hills, we earned the achievement for finishing 75 quests in Grizzly Hills.

Making Rhino Proud

While doing a quest in Zul’drak, we were surprised to have to free a captive rhino who then took on a ton of mobs that were spread around the area. As Herbskinner had a rhino as a pet at the time, it did make me feel proud to liberate another rhino.

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