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Kickin it up a Notch
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive on his way to earning his Chef title had to finish the Outlands Cooking quests. After 6 days, I finally got the 4th and final Cooking Daily and was awarded the Achievement.


50 Stonekeeper Shards
Written by cd34.

As you do instances or run Wintergrasp, you are rewarded stonekeeper shards. As I just hit 80, it didn’t take long to earn 50 Stonekeeper Shards.


Heroic Violet Hold
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive decided to run some PvE instances just to test out some spec changes and it went fairly well. We had a somewhat overgeared group and near the end, our DPS druid was doing taunts and taking the mob from the tank while the shammy went into overdrive and stole threat once in a while as well. I was the only ‘undergeared’ player there, but, it was fun to get back into healing instances.


The Northrend Gourmet
Written by cd34.

While doing Rokk’s Cooking Quest, I happened to cook a recipe on the flame while making Spiritual Soup which ended up being the 30th Northrend Recipe which allowed me to gain the achievement.


50 Dalaran Cooking Awards
Written by cd34.

Even though cdthirtyfive was the first of my toons to hit 450 cooking, I stopped doing the cooking daily right afterwards, and, herbskinner actually hit the 50 Cooking Awards achievement before cdthirtyfive did. I spent a lot more time on Herbskinner, so, I just happened to do the dailies more frequently while questing.


Frostwolf Perfection
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive loves AV, or used to. AV at 80 and the changes that WotLK brought has really changed the game. Van can be tanked with 2-3 adds which significantly changes the game. It used to be that you had to wait for the towers and bunkers to go down. Now, with 2-3 guards at his side, Vann can be tanked successfully, leading to much shorter games. Frost DK tanks with 28k hit points or bear tanks with 34k hit points are exceedingly easy to keep alive even with Vann and two guards pounding on the tank.

The battle was more even at the start, we got a very good early start and I believe some of the Alliance transferred to another battleground after they saw we weren’t letting things slip.


Strand of the Ancients Victory
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive played a few SotA and it took a few games to get into a group that actually knew what the goal was. Once we got a decent group, we defended long enough that we had about 7 minutes to secure a victory. While our team was split on the boats, it was decided that we all go to one side (which was the opposite side that the Alliance expected that time.) We stormed through the gate and made it up to the relic with 2 minutes and 45 seconds to spare.


Storm the Beach
Written by cd34.

cdthirtyfive ran a few Strand of the Ancients while waiting for the battle for Wintergrasp to begin. During one of them it was all I could do to get off the boat, follow the mass of players as we stormed in, healed a few players and captured the relic. Our efforts were in vain as the Alliance were able to secure a win anyhow.


A Simple Request
Written by cd34.

Since I started leveling cdthirtyfive’s cooking again, it was very easy to do 1 daily quest a day for five days. Turning in the cooking daily today, I was rewarded with the achievement, ‘A Simple Request.’


Critter Glitter
Written by cd34.

After going after some of the cooking achievements, I bought two recipes with my Dalaran Cooking Tokens and made a few Critter Bites. I then traveled to Una’pe, and flew out to the Frozen Sea and threw the food at 10 penguins and received the achievement with plenty of time to spare. I did levitate back and have them following me, but, as soon as you hearth or take a flight path, they disappear.

Would have been fun to have 10 penguins follow me around Dalaran.


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