
Archive for the 'Fun Things' Category

Multiboxers on Boulderfist

While leveling FiletAvecMoo, a Tauren Shammy, I ran across a multiboxed Shaman. Always fun to see someone that is leveling up a multiboxed team and see how they named them. This one appeared to use a, b, c, d naming for each one.

Human Death Knight?

I took a few minutes to run down to Caverns of Time on my Death Knight to stock up on [item]21151[/item] and saw myself as Human, yuck.

Fel Reaver at Falcon Watch

While mining a fel iron node, the Fel Reaver decided that I was close enough and came over to attack me. I figured the guards at Falcon Watch would help, but, alas, they didn’t. The Fel Reaver proceeded to attack the town while a few players tried to take him down. Their efforts were in […]

Wisp Engineering

During the Halloween event, Shadoh was turned into a wisp. Since I don’t play Shadoh much anymore, he still had the wisp transformation. While making a [item]4397[/item] for our transfer of items to Boulderfist/Cyclone, I noticed the animation while in wisp form actually showed the hammer.

Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary?

When Herbskinner was leveling to 80, there is a quest given in Dalaran near the Flight Master that takes you to Sholazar Basin. I had a rhino as a pet at the time and the animation of the flight with the rhino hanging down from the helicopter was a bit humorous to say the least.

Making Rhino Proud

While doing a quest in Zul’drak, we were surprised to have to free a captive rhino who then took on a ton of mobs that were spread around the area. As Herbskinner had a rhino as a pet at the time, it did make me feel proud to liberate another rhino.

Harry’s Bomber

While doing ‘The Ancient Armor of the Kvaldir’ in Howling Fjord, you are required to fly to the Pirate’s Hideout. While you can’t control the plane, it is rather amusing to fly on a seaplane.

Magic Eater – Whelp

While fishing in the Dalaran Underbelly, one of the fish that you can get is the [item]43572[/item]. One of the items you can be turned into is a green Whelp. While you cannot attack or cast while in this form, and it is not able to be dispelled, you can indeed fish.

Underbelly Elixir – City of Mages

In Dalaran, you can find [item]44012[/item] around the sewers. The effects are varied but, one of them gives you a buff that says: “You had always heard that this was “The City of Mages” but this is ridiculous!” While riding around town, everyone looks like a Human Mage. It does work while you are mounted […]

Underbelly Elixir – Wasp

In the Dalaran sewers there are elixirs that can be looted. When you drink them you get one of a few different effects. One effect is that you are turned into a wasp. As long as you stay in the sewers, you can fly around slowly for about 10 minutes. Once you go up top […]

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