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Wrath Pre-orders on Blizzard site

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As much as some Blizzard reps might have wanted to play coy on the official forums, the official World of Warcraft site leaked a link to Pre-order Wrath of the Lich King which will — according to the page — indeed come out on November 13, 2008. So while there has mysteriously been no big announcement on the Blizzard websites, this Pre-order page pretty much confirms what Wowhead and Thottbot unveiled earlier today.

Participating retailers include Amazon, Best Buy, Circuit City, and GameStop. Interestingly enough, all the official links except for Best Buy peg the official release at November 3, a date leaked out in earlier reports. GameStop words it as “ships in 11/03/08” which could mean that the games will reach retailers over a week before the official release date. [EDIT: Or yeah, it could be that they haven’t updated their sites yet. Good morning!] The details include both normal and Collector’s Edition versions of the game. The official Blizzard site has, as of this writing, now been updated to reflect the official release date with a splash page.

[UPDATE: GameStop has revised their release date to match the announced date of 11/13/08]

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The Art of War(craft): World PvP Achievements

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Ah, world PvP. In many ways, world PvP can be considered the purest form of PvP because when it happens — if it’s not done in association with a quest or other form of reward — it is PvP for the sake of PvP. Some of the best times I’ve ever had doing PvP was in Hillsbrad Foothills, defending Tarren Mill and attacking Southshore. I miss the times when the World Defense channel would be flooded by calls to defend the Crossroads. There’s also something very pure about coming to the aid of a faction leader under assault. And when Wrath of the Lich King finally arrives, I have a good feeling it’s going to happen a lot more often.

I wrote about the many Achievements related to PvP, such as the retroactive Achievements that you can work on before Patch 3.0 hits, as well as the numerous Battlegrounds Achievements. Although PvP for the sake of PvP is extremely fun, Achievements will actually reward something that previously never got anything more than bragging rights and a silly grin. Today we’ll look at the numerous Achievements that work to encourage world PvP.

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New racial abilities for Wrath

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It looks like Blizzard isn’t done tinkering with everything for Wrath of the Lich King. This time, they’ve turned their attention to racial abilities, which many have pointed out to be imbalanced. Kalgan dropped by the forums to answer a good question regarding the Orc racial Hardiness, which grants a passive 15% resistance to stuns. It’s been nerfed a long way from its original 25% resistance, but the poster made a good point about the game’s direction towards reduced durations instead of resistances.

Kalgan responds by saying that Hardiness was being changed into exactly that — an effect duration reduction of 15%. He also goes over all the other racials, some of which were changed, others of which were buffed, and yet a few others of which were inevitably nerfed. The changes should make it into the next Beta push. Check after the break to see the complete list. [CLARIFICATION: This isn’t the complete list of racial abilities. Abilities not listed here are unchanged or, if they will be changed, will be mentioned in the future.]

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