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Shaman Twink
Written by cd34.

While I spent quite a bit of time building my Shaman Twink and came very close to the dreaded ding to 30, I did find a few mistakes made along the way.

There are some rather rare boss drops that would have been nice to have based on things I learned about playing a Shaman after finishing. Before twinking, I should have played the class a bit more to learn how my playstyle would be affected by certain choices. While it is difficult to learn that prior to making a twink, I am not unhappy with my build or gear set, but, I think there are a few places I could have made a few improvements.

ItemRack has events which I have not gotten to work exactly as I wanted. The common twinking idea for a Horde Shaman which has the ability to get two BC Enchantable weapons is to get a non-BC mace with spell damage and put Mighty Intellect on that — +22 intellect from an enchanter with Thorium Brotherhood Rep. When your mana pool is drained below where that +22 boosted you, you switch to your weapon with spellsurge. Immediately after it procs, you switch to Skullbreaker with +81 heals (or, +40 spelldamage after 3.0.2’s patch). At 25% mana, you switch to a weapon enchanted with Mighty Spirit — +22 from that Thorium Brotherhood Enchanter and equip your shield with +9 spirit on it.

I’ve still not gotten weapon swaps to work in ItemRack the way I want, and, I usually run with axe and shield rather than swapping to my 2H Corpsemaker for fighting clothies. I farmed Thermaplug’s Left Arm, but, from what I read, you want Corpsemaker so that every swing has a chance to proc Crusader. While Bleeding Crescent is nice (Rogues hate getting hit with that bleed because they cannot vanish), I think I would have changed my itemization slightly. I do have my FC set that maximizes HP and Armor and sacrifices a little mana/healing, but, it has kept me alive through 3 rogues trying to beat me down while a hunter took them out one by one.

Ghost Wolf form is incredibly nice – I’ve not used my rocket boots more than once or twice running through the tun to catch up with someone. I found that if I am auto-running, and stop/start immediately outside the building, I can switch to ghost wolf right at the building edge rather than waiting on the server to detect that I am not in the building.

I did create a utility Shammy — and I am able to do what is necessary and I believe the games I have played in, I have contributed enough that we win more often than we lose and with a little coordination, we dominate. Since playing my Shammy, I have seen more 5 caps than I have ever seen when playing my rogue. Many of the WSG games are <20 minutes with a 3-0 or 3-1 score. While I don't have the room to get any more drops without considerable effort, I think I am going to leave my gear set where it is and shuffle an enchant or two while I work through itemrack and learn a little more about the playstyle. 1000 kills really doesn't give you as much skill as you would think. Even though I have Insignia of the Horde, if I've dropped the right totem, about the only class I need it for are mages. Early on when I was probably 20 AB tokens into it, a priest from another realm asked what spec I was, and I told her hybrid. She then said, well, it isn't working -- and I said, why do you say that? She told me that she out DPSed and out Healed me. At which point I said, but, we never lost the one node I was defending solo did we? With my armor and mana and hit points, I can take an incredible beating and call out for help which makes me a great solo defender. With Ghost Wolf I can respond quickly to any node and dps or heal and keep people off the flag for quite a bit of time. While I enjoyed my rogue, my Shaman has surpassed my rogue in terms of fun. I will sometimes grab the flag in WSG, or will run alongside the FC and run interference, or, do my job to slow the EFC until reinforcements arrive. My rogue just couldn't get there fast enough to do that even with swiftness potions, rocket boots, sprint, etc. When I would run D, if they got past the gy or far enough down the tunnel, I couldn't catch them. With my shammy, I can run out gy, ghost wolf over to them and catch them midfield. I'll enjoy playing my Shaman for quite some time. Shaman Twink guide.

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